Back to School 101

With the new year also comes a new semester for students. Winter break varies for us from 3 to 4 weeks, and then us college students in particular are thrown back into trying to balance all that adulthood has to offer (e.g. classes, a job, a social life, a relationship, etc.). Adulthood is definitely overwhelming to say the least, BUT it is also exciting as we continue to figure out who we are and what we want to do.

I am currently in my last semester of college, and it doesn't seem real. I still can't comprehend the fact that I won't be on campus in the fall, but instead, I will be sitting at my own desk at my full-time job. Crazy!! Even now, it still hasn't hit me that I have friends that have already started their careers or who are just about to enter that stage of their life. I think the biggest thing that I've learned about being a college student is to honestly enjoy every moment because it goes by so quickly and adulthood really comes at you fast. Not saying that school isn't stressful because it definitely is (laughing but actually really crying inside), BUT I've been able to make friends that have become a family to me and make memories that I can have forever (it sounds very corny, but I'm just a sentimental person so it is what it is).

With each semester of college, I learn more and more about myself and how to balance everything that goes on in my life. Most importantly, I meet and learn from people who tell me about how they try to handle everything, and I want to share some of it with you all now. Here are some ways you can start to organize yourself for this upcoming academic term:

  • A Calendar: Write down your schedule and plans daily on Google calendar or something similar and sync it to your phone so you can always be reminded where you need to be! 
  • Use a Note-Taking Application: It's easier to keep electronic notes organized. Some note-taking apps include: OneNote, Evernote, Google Keep, and Notion.
  • Go to Office Hours or schedule an appointment: Definitely easier said than done, but it helps to clarify the material outside lecture. 
  • Look over material: Even if it is just for 15 or 30 minutes, review the material before you go into your next lecture so you understand what's going on, and you will not be so behind or have to cram when you have an upcoming exam 
  • Change up your environment: Try not to study in your room or at home. Go to a coffee shop or some type of open environment so you can be studying in a relaxed, calm setting. When you are stressed and trying to study, less information will be retained. 
  • Don't procrastinate: Procrastination is literally second nature to me, but I have had so many problems because of it. Spend one day breaking down how you want to split your assignments and do a little everyday so you are not overwhelmed later on. 
  • Find a group: It helps to find a group of people you can meet to study with in your class because they can help you understand the material more, and they might have taken notes or heard something in lecture that you could have possibly missed. 
With the academic semester approaching, stress also tends to make its way. People fall into habits of overeating or not eating, getting little to no sleep, and much more unhealthy practices. It is so important to take care of yourself because if you don't, you could get physically burnt out and it could lead to other major issues. To help relieve some stress, take some time for yourself. Listening and dancing to music definitely helps me to relieve some stress along with spending time with friends and watching shows. Whatever it is that helps you to de-stress (e.g. working out, exploring new places, etc.), DO IT! It will give you more energy and motivation to get things done, and it will also keep you calm and relaxed. Some days will definitely be more challenging than others, but take it one step at a time and don't be hard on yourself. You got it! 


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